Tuesday, July 14, 2020

latest antiques and untiques

The last few weeks have been FANTASTIC in terms of finding the rare, the unusual, and the completely and totally awesome.

Here's just a few.  Note there are waayyyy more coming.

I have two super-cool, super fun Ui-maikai Hawaiian dresses from the 1960s.

                              this is the first one              SOLD


and this is the second, 
with a print of cute wahinis amidst titles of 
                     old-timey Hawaiian-inspired popular songs      SOLD

 Unfortunately for many of us, the sizes of the dresses are teensy weensy.  Dress #1 is about a size 0.  Dress #2 is about a size 2.

We be also having reading material.

This is REALLY cool, if you have any connection to Lafayette College, beings as it's a 
1926 book on the history of Lafayette's athletic program.

Lotsa pix of coaches and teams and stand-out players and that spread out on the book's 272 pages.

Here's the cover:

Our other reading material is even older AND has more pictures.
In fact one on just about every page.

The 1907 Birch Carriages and Harnesses catalog.

The company is pretty much forgotten, although if Mr. Birch had a little more foresight, everybody in the WORLD would remember this company.


Because Birch was approached by Henry Ford, who offered Birch the chance to manufacture Ford's automobiles.  Birch refused, because he did not believe that horse-drawn travel would ever be supplanted.  

The business closed in 1918.

144 pages of carriages, rickshaws, and horse tack !

Something sweet for your MIJ collection,
featuring a cute little bird

Keywords for your interest and edification: Satsuma, moriage, moriaga

 We be having Indians aka Native Americans aka First Nations peeps.

                      In stein form        SOLD
from 1969.

                                   tobacco jar form                 SOLD
from around 1905

                The 1960s and '70s were a very good time for glass.   SOLD

note that the color of this marvelous item is LAVENDER/Purple
 and not the mauve-ish shade you see here.


That's all for now.  I might be back tomorrow with MORE.

Speaking of more...

See more, get more here:


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