Friday, October 15, 2010

Donnybrook deco coat

These coats, which I'm guessing are from the 1980's, turn up now and then and wherever and whenever that is, I never get the chance to buy it.

Except this week (YAY!). 

Have a seat, it's a fascinating story...

I drove to the back of the Sal that's on Torresdale Ave to drop off some no longer wanted clothing.  Then went around the front into the store entrance because it was Family Day, and lots of stuff would be half off, and there was a remote possibility that there would be something I would want to buy.

For the longest time, this particular Sal has been devoid of anything of interest.

But hope springs eternal.

I found a very cool skinny tie, striped AND made of silk, which is rare for skinny ties.  I know.  I only have about 200 of 'em.

Then I found a Seventies men's shirt, nylon with a ridiculous print. 

Then I found a little sweater for myself which, it turns out, I look rather hot in. 

With these three finds I headed toward the check-out counter, but something told me No!  Go back and look some more!!

I heeded this voice.  Even though I'd rooted through EVERYTHING already.  But no -- going back to the dress rack, I found a Gianni Versace silk crepe dress.  Half-price: $3.99.

So I then I skip happily back to the check-out counter, but notice I've dropped the tie. 

Retracing my steps, I bump into the coat rack (which I already checked thoroughly!) and BAM!  Here it is.

Never did find the tie. 

Back at the counter, I notice that the coat doesn't have a price tag, and tell the clerk.    She gives me a look that says, "Yeah, right," then announces the price -- a big $30.  She says this like it's $30,000 and I'm just gonna slink away dispiritedly, my scam discovered. 

(I know people do take off tags, switch tags, etc.  But I'm in that store fairly regularly, so she should know better.)

Here's what the front looks like.

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