Monday, November 26, 2018

Bag of the Week

Amma start a feature called 'Bag of the Week' because a) who doesn't love love love a rare and neato tote bag or messenger bag, and b) who REALLY doesn't love love love a rare and neato tote bag or messenger bag that's Made in USA ??

Of course, that's nobody.  Everybody loves.  Loves loves loves.

Today we have an epic cutie, and perfect for Christmas and that:

Note that the epic adorable-osity appears on both sides of the bag, in mirror image.  

Get it here:

For the other 2300+ bags in my store, go here:

Keywords for your interest and edification: christmas elf print bag, christmas elf bag, christmas bag

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Tuesday Song of the Week

Something from the 1972 UK charts:

'Lady Eleanor' - Lindisfarne

The Star Made Me Buy It

Kate Smith for Jello Pudding, prefaced with a report from her 
that American women are valiantly not complaining about wartime whatsis.

Newest antiques and untiques

Some SUPER awesome awesomeness today, to wit...

crazy doofus still bank   SOLD
aka piggy bank

           NOS (new old stock) Kitty Cucumber angel cat Christmas garland SOLD


Next we have History's Coolest Bronze Tray,  SOLD
in the form of an allegory against gambling, depicting the devil about to feast on some poor unsuspecting jamoke's money.

Moving onto soft goods, we have this neato clown print on cotton seersucker.SOLD

Back to the 1970s for this super cute, super retro music box that plays
'In the Good Old Summertime'

another FANTASTIC example of antique metalware, this is the mounting on the back so you can hang this on your wall.   SOLD

See more, get more here:

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Stuff I'm interested in

This is less 'Stuff I'm interested in' and more 'Stuff I remember and think about sometimes.'
Eons ago, in my teens and early 20s I worked a number of part-time retail jobs throughout Northeast Philly.

I rode buses and the El everywhere, since I didn't get a car until I was 25 or so.  

There was this old lady I'd see on the bus, and she would usually have her ID in full view, showing her name to be Olive Frankenstein.  Honest.  No lie.  

Was that her married name, and if so, what was her husband Mr. Frankenstein like?   Did she have any reservations changing her surname from her maiden name to Frankenstein?

Or was she an old maid, passed over because no one wanted to marry a Miss Frankenstein?

When did she die, and why is she not googlable?  

I think about Olive Frankenstein at least a couple times a year.  

The Star Made Me Buy It

I keep finding more and more of these - about a year ago, I bought a bunch of 1940s Life magazines - but it's taken me until recently to go through them all.  

Here's what we have today:

Claudette Colbert for Auto-Lite car batteries

Can you imagine the pitch from the ad agency's creative director??

'Trust me, we WILL get women buying your car batteries, because we're gonna hire one of your better half's favorite movie stars, and you know how much the ladies today like to pattern their lives after what they read in the movie magazines.'  

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

newest antiques and untiques

The antiquey awesomeness keeps on coming !!

Autumn leaves in cake plate form  SOLD

GORGEOUS Nippon vase  SOLD

Here's one side.

Here's the other side.

iron butterfly in tray form   SOLD

Josef Originals Christmas doggie  SOLD

beautiful in bisque  SOLD

See more, get more here:

Cat Day

Cat Day was exactly a week ago.

It started out like this:

On Wednesdays I volunteer at the Animal Welfare Society's thrift store, which is on Route 47 in Dias Creek.  Now and then I see something I want to buy, but that's rare.

However, on Cat Day, this was what was in the store:
a Shawnee Puss 'n Boots cookie jar.
MINT condition.  

The price was low low low, and so I bought it.

After I closed up for the day - the store is open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday (in case you ever want to visit) - I went to the Shop Rite in Rio* to pick up some whatever.  At the time I was wearing this:
The clerk at the register got all excited, and went on about how much she loves cats.  So did the guy in front of me, who said he has two indoor cats, and four outdoor cats, and was all broken up that 'his baby' - a rough customer with one eye and only a few teeth - had recently been hit by a car.

From there I stopped at the Pet Valu in Court House** to get some iforgetwhat.  They're doing some kind of fundraiser for the local shelters.

'You can donate either for dogs or cats,' the clerk told me.

I said I would donate for cats.

He gave me a big smile, and told me that hardly ever does anybody donate for the cats.  He's a cat lover with six cats.  His wife had at one time -- I guess before she was his wife -- eleven cats.

That's a lotta cats.

So that was Cat Day.

*Rio is actually Rio Grande.  Everybody around here calls it Rio.

** Court House is what everybody calls Cape May Court House.  Cape May Court House is  the county seat, it's not a court house.  Although there IS a court house in Court House.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Star Made Me Buy It

Today we got a golfer, Walter Hagan, for Lucky Strike. 

I've heard of lotsa old timey golfers (Bobby Jones, Sam Snead, Gene Sarazen*) , but had never heard of this one, which is odd, because according to Wikipedia, his stats rank third behind Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus.

* True fact: eons ago, I found a signed copy of Gene Sarazen's Common Sense Golf Tips, which should have gone for a good chunk of change, but I got it like a week after 9/11, so people were too busy mourning to pay good money for this book.  

BTW, if you ever want to see a neat golf movie, check out Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius.  Jeremy Northam - love me some Jeremy Northam - plays Hagan as a guy who plays professional golf only so he can afford to have good times drinking and womanizing and having fun.  

The Tuesday Song of the Week

Haven't posted anything not in English since August.

This is real boppy.

'Tequila Con Limon' - Los Juniors

Bag of the Month

And what a marvelously opulent bag it is!


Ain't that suh'm??

Get it here:

If you want to see the other 2,319 bags in my store, go here:

Friday, November 2, 2018

Latest antiques and untiques

To say this is mind-blowing is actually an understatement.

Allow me to set up the clip: Back 20 years ago or so there were items I'd regularly find in thrift stores, with which HUGE money could be made.  Then about 10 years ago, that was no longer the case, since the whole world was on eBay, selling this stuff. And a truly awesome find was something that would appear maybe once a year, if that.

But now it's 1997 again, and the thrift stores - at least the ones I go to - are FULL of  unique and awesome finds, priced at a buck or two, that are worth far more.


Some of today's antiques and untiques are thrift store finds.  Others are from auctions, or flea markets.

So here's what we got for you:

1940s happy smiling Scottish soldier doll   SOLD


 1980s Harrods figural teapot  SOLD


Abraham Lincoln SOLD
in still bank form

Chinese lady lantern holder for your wall 

Her attire looks Chinese (to me, at least) but she actually began life in Japan.

From China/Japan to South America!
(I think)
A SUPER cool bucket style handbag


And from South America (I think) to the early Seventies!

The above is, of course, a napkin holder/letter holder

See more, get more here:

The Star Made Me Buy It

Another in our new series of old ads featuring famous stars, jocks, and other, culled from the zillions of old magazines in my possession.

Today we have the best looking person the City of Philadelphia ever produced, advertising Lustre Creme shampoo:

I've read a bunch of bios about Grace Kelly, and my takeaway is that her marriage to Prince Rainier was not a love match, but rather a means of getting her father's approval.

A lot of these books have quotes from her parents, who seemed never to have missed an opportunity to belittle her.  Her old man, who'd been snubbed by society for being Irish Catholic, probably thought that uniting her daughter with a (very low tier) royal was getting back at the peeps who rejected him.

new vintage ties for groovy guys, November edition

Got some real boss stuff here today:

pretty lady print

It DOES pay to advertise

It also pays to offer day and night service

You've already seen this marvelous image on a bag not too long ago.
 As you can see, it looks equally awesome on a necktie.

Now this is REALLY neato, depicting Abbotsford House, home of Sir Walter Scott

And lastly, something equally neato, to wit: a 1920s hand-colored (by me) image of a young lady accordionist.

The above are just six of the over 500 neckties in my Zazzle store.

See more, get more here:

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mug of the Month

Something extra sweet for Autumn, found in a 1920s children's song book:

Get it here:



We have flue covers, from a recent estate sale.  Somebody in the family had a thing for flue covers.  

If you have a thing for flue covers, you've come to the right place.

I'm letting these three go as a lot, since they're so similar.  SOLD

We have a number of pretty ladies   SOLD




This one's my favorite.  
Note the cute little bugs at the bottom with their musical instruments.  SOLD   


See more, get more here: