Thursday, September 5, 2024

Dennis Township NJ School District SCAM SCAM SCAM

I never put political stuff on this blog.

Too boring.

But this really burns my fuzz.

Dennis Township is having a ballot referendum on raising school taxes by


That's bad enough, but voting is scheduled for September 17, and only for the hours from 2-8 pm.

Obviously they're hoping nobody comes out for this, or they'd have scheduled it for normal election/voting day, i.e. Tuesday, November 5. When the polls are open from 7:00 am-8:00 pm.

There are a lot of seniors in this township, and lots of folks are on fixed incomes.  This will be a disaster for them.

Not exactly a disaster for me, but we're living close to the bone, and I don't relish my taxes going up by hundreds of dollars a month. 

I'm praying that EVERYBODY who's a registered voter in Dennis Township comes out for this.

And I'm guessing 100% of the votes will be NO.

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