Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Last week I clicked on one of those on-line articles re: How to Make More Money, and it listed all kinds of neato ways to make a few more bucks.

I could really use a few more bucks because I am trying to knock down a huhYOOGE vet bill.

Almost $5000 huhYOOGE.  

One of means touted was Branded Surveys, 'which pays you to take surveys.'

So ever and always being The Idiot Queen, I looked into it.  


It's easy to set up, and you get to do lotsa online surveys, and collect points, which they claim - note that this is a claim, not a promise - you will be able to turn in to money.

I signed up, did TONS of surveys in the last three days, and then tried to turn my 1400 or so points into actual money.

It can't be done.


Because if you attempt to do that, there is requirement after requirement after requirement after requirement after requirement.  And once you're through with those requirements, there are at least ten more to go.

Anything they can think up to get you from actually getting a dime.

Keywords for your edification: Branded Surveys IS A SCAM.


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