Tuesday, December 4, 2012

English bone china

and maybe a little boneless china!

First up, a yummy flow blue example of the Doulton 'Watteau' pattern, circa 1895
 After taking that picture, I took my camera outside to photograph the rest of what I have.  This task was made more difficult by the appearance of...
the young gentleman shown above, who often visits to socialize with me, distract me, and (mostly) to steal the food I put out for...
this sad little guy.  While I'm pretty certain that the one who wants to steal his food has a home -- he's very clean, and very friendly -- sad little guy, who I've named Victor, is homeless and bears the scars of a rough life on the streets.  I'd like to trap him, and at least get him fixed.  I would also try to socialize him, which I don't expect to be easy.  Even after having been fed by me for months now, he is still careful to keep his distance.  I am aware, however, that prayer works miracles, and not just for people.

Now onto more china!

Scary dragons marching around the rim of a low compote made by Dunn Bennett

A very pretty example of the Shelley 'Blue Rock' pattern

Three plates depicting Mr. and Mrs. Peacock of Flappingly-on-Tyne, made by Grafton before it became Royal Grafton

And, lastly, a full set of eight plates in the Spode Bermuda Flowers pattern

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pieces! visiting you from the etsy vintage team :) great blog and etsy shop!


