Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We interrupt this blog...

to encourage you to throw a few bucks Wikipedia's way.  

Think of all the times you went there to learn about Fabergé eggs, and the Boer War, and when Elmo was added to the Sesame Street cast, and what came first, Hydrox cookies or Oreos (the answer is Hydrox.  Not just first, but also WAY superior to Oreos.), and how many albums Roy Orbison put out, and what wines come from what country, etc. etc. etc. etc....

This bottomless well of knowledge has NO advertising, and so they could use your support.  Unlike the similarly worthy PBS, Wikipedia a) has no beg-athon, and b) even if they had one, they probably wouldn't broadcast those horrible deadly boring concerts that make up much of PBS's beg-athon programming.

Just go to Wikipedia's home page.  The link is right there.

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