Well, I wish I had an ad featuring Guy Lombardo, because back in the day, no New Year's Eve was complete without a show featuring Guy Lombardo and his orchestra doing their thing.
But I don't.
However, what I do have is an ad with Bing Crosby, who also did a lot of holiday programming and specials and that.
I bought a dress much like this when I was a college gal in England back in the early 1980s. It was super cute. Alas the fabric - cotton sheeting, kind of -- was a nightmare to iron.
Add a little more length to your version of the dress, and it will be the perfect circa 1912 teenage girl look.
I haven't posted a TSotW for a few weeks now, but the TSotW is back.
This week's is kinda Philly-centric:
'You Can't Get to Heaven on the Frankford El' - The American Dream
BTW, did you know that all 358 Pet Valu stores in the US are closing?
And did you know that it's probably my fault?
Which is why today's TSotW is Frankford El-connected.
Back when I was in college, I had a part-time job at Martindale's Health Food store.
Martindale's had been in business FOREVER by that time.
I think the main store was at 11th street. The store I worked at was at 2nd street, on Head House square.
That was just setting up the clip.
So one afternoon I was on the El going into town to my job at Martindale's on 2nd Street.
And I remember thinking. "I really like this job.'
But the minute I came through the door, the manager told me was that the store was scheduled to close in three weeks.
Martindale's had another store in NJ, either in Marlton, or maybe Merchantville. Some place that started with the letter M.
Anyway, the store in either Marlton or Merchantville or wherever wasn't doing well, but they couldn't get out from under the lease there. So the 2nd St. store would have to close.
So now it's all these years later, and I have a part-time job at Pet Valu, because I want some extra $$$ to help pay off my husband's car.
One Sunday back in October, I remember thinking 'I like this-- oops, I better not let this thought out, because last time...'
By then it was too late.
The following Wednesday, word came down from on high that all the Pet Valus in the US were gonna close.
My fault entirely.
Going forward, amma either just remain self-employed. And if I do pick up other work, I oughta make sure it'll be something I'm unlikely to ever like.
I was almost 100% certain I've posted Bob before, but my research into that has proved otherwise.
When I was in college, he came to the campus for a show. I was near the theatre when the crowd was going it. It was like 90% farmers from outside of town.
Something for the fan of the New York Rangers SOLD
Pins related to the US ice hockey team in the Nagano Olympics, and also pins related specifically to the Rangers. This set and the letter were given to season ticket holders.
I was listening to Rick Steves interview some Italian musicians, and one of them mentioned the following song. The background being that back in WWII, the people of Italy saw the US and UK troops as heroes. And the kids wanted to be just like them.
The message of the song if that you might want to be an American, but if you're 100% Neapolitan, it ain't gonna work.