Monday, October 28, 2013


I've made some decisions and performed some tweaking this past weekend, including:

Pulling the plug on my participation in the Cape May Antiques Center.  I firmly believe that I do have the BEST stock in that entire place in terms of variety, quality and affordability (I take this stuff bo seriously), and yet even at the height of the season, I never made more than $200 a month.  Ordinarily, I'd have a very hard time making a decision like this, but it was made much more easily because the gal who runs it is not what you'd call warm and friendly.  If she were, I'd have been much more willing to hang on, (even though, from a business standpoint, that wouldn't have made much sense).  But she's not, so there you go.

Next, I changed the name of my main Etsy shop from NecktieParty to PeaceableAntiques. Originally, I got on Etsy to sell my ties, but kept adding non-tie stuff to the shop. Everything BUT the ties seemed to sell, so then I opened up an all-tie shop, Crazy4Cravats, and have done well with that.  

In retrospect, I should have opened up a shop selling non-ties, and kept NecktieParty for ties.  But one lives and learns.  

I wanted to change the name to PeaceableKingdom, but that was already taken, as was ThePeaceableKingdom and APeaceableKingdom.  I was tempted to throw up my hands and name the shop WhatEver, but thought better of it.

Here's my new banner!
I realize this image is tiny, but if you go to the shop it's much bigger, and you simply MUST see how cool it is.

Here's the shop link:

Next, I changed the name of my 'ten bucks a pop' vintage costume jewelry shop TenBuckBijoux to Bijoux4Youx because I think maybe if I have a shop with only vintage costume jewelry, it will sell better than it does in my 'everything awesome and old' shop, PeaceableAntiques.

Here's the banner:

and the link:

At the moment, the shop is  on vacation, because I need some time to stock it.  I'll let you know when it's ready.

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