Friday, February 21, 2025

Lucky Dip

Today's Lucky Dip theme is fish.

We have lotsa sea life in my Zazzle store.

Wanna see?

A very neato notebook with an equally neato mermaid on the image.  Would also been a very neato notebook for entering your recipes in.

Get it here:


                                                        fun fishy shower curtain !!!

Get it here:     


                                               SUPER colorful Kingfish serving tray.

Get it here:


                                                      neato catfish print tie

Get it here:


                                 colorful fish print tablecloth - PERFECT for a fish fry!!

Get it here:


                                                        sunfish print fabric

Get it here:


That's all for today.

 Come back next Friday for our next Lucky Dip.





The Star Made Me Buy It

 Today's star was a huhYOOGE star back in the day...

                                Young Gary Cooper was the most beautiful man ever.

Unfortunately, he aged very quickly.  

If you ever see the movie Love in the Afternoon, he looks waaayyy to old to be romancing Audrey Hepburn.  

If you see To Catch a Thief, where Cary Grant is romancing Grace Kelly (who was the same age as Audrey Hepburn) while he does look quite a bit older than her, he's still SUPER attractive, and hot. 

OK, so Cooper was three years older than Grant, but he looks easily 15-20 years older in Love in the Afternoon.  

Kinda sad. 

February 2025's Second Haul of Antiques

Some VERY marvelous marvels here,

and some REALLY AWESOME STUFF coming soon, which I got yesterday.

On to what you came for: 

                                                 Hollywood Recency lipstick caddy

Note that I've started taking pictures with my phone, which explains why this don't look so great.

Looks wayyyy better in person.



                                                         Don Quixote is in the house !!!


                                                                          AND on a box!


                                        Something VERY nice for holding mail and/or napkins.


                                              1970's Waikik Holiday Hawaiian shirt on STEROIDS!



                            Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Redwing Magnolia Chatreuse dinner plates

You're getting all six !!!



                                               framed tintype of gent sporting a mutton chops beard


Thus ends today's collection.

As previously stated, WAY more coming !!!!

Until then,

see more, get more here:

Friday, February 14, 2025

Fun Stuff

Yesterday I was summoned by a friend to come with her to her recently-died mother's house to go through stuff.

On the way I see this truck in front of me:

                                         Alas, the photo I snapped isn't good. 

                     What's there are two anthropomorphic trash cans 'trash talkin'

I could not stop laughing.   


Once I got to where I was going - Ardmore, PA - I hit two thrift stores on the main drag, i.e. Lancaster Avenue.

The Junior League Thrift Shop, 25 W. Lancaster Avenue: Nothing for me there, unless I was in the market for some overpriced secondhand Lululemon attire.

Penny-Wise Thrift Shop, 57 W. Lancaster Avenue: This is a good thrift shop (really more of a consignment shop, though).  Years ago we found my husband a tuxedo there, which a) fit him perfectly, b) cost only $40, and c) was what he wore for our wedding.

Yesterday they had a SUPER cool wooden table with six chairs.  

Here's part of what the chairs looked like:

The table is round, and 5' or so in diameter.  The table and chairs look to be in excellent condition.

Priced at $2,700.

I'd be ALL OVER IT, if I had the room for it, but it would be a pain to get rid of our current kitchen tables (Yes, tables plural.  We have two adjoining kitchen tables, because my husband is insane), and I'd also have to pay a mover.

If you're interested, you run there.  I'm guessing that's gonna sell pretty quickly.   

Monday, February 10, 2025

Mug of Month

This month's MotM is a VERY appealing one,

which depicts an equally appealing - and kinda very neato - patchwork horse.

Wanna see?

                                                    *note that it looks waaayyyy better in person.

 Get it here:

Friday, February 7, 2025

Lucky Dip

Welcome to February's first Lucky Dip !!

Now here we go...

                                                A VERY bright and VERY fun tapestry

For your your rec room, your wacky decor, your clown-intensive decor.and/or your circus decor.

Get it here:


                                                 We be having Pegasus !!!

Enjoy having the coolest lunchbox in class or in the office !!!!! 

Get it here:


                                                    If you're planning to give gifts for Easter,

It would be SUPER marvelous if you wrap them in this gift wrap, printed with a whole egg carton's worth of Ukrainian pysanky eggs.   

Get it here:


                                A MAAHVELOUS towel set for your blue bathroom !!

Get it here:


A VERY neato clock for your country kitchen, rustic kitchen, tomato decor kitchen !!

Get it here:


                     A VERY lovely duvet cover for your romantic bedroom decor !!

Get it here:


That's it for today.  

More next week! 

Until then, check out all my other THOUSANDS of items here:

Thursday, February 6, 2025

February 2025's First Haul of Antiques and Untiques

As ever and always, awesomeness galore !!

Wanna see?

First up, something SUPER adorable, which is marked 'Fuzzy Ducklings' on the back.


                                                               turkey chocolate mold trio !!


                                                   We be got a mink stole !!

It has a small tear - very fixable - but if you prefer, you could use this to make teddy bears and such.


                                            From ducks to turkeys to mink to... horses!
                                                        One horse on the front.


                                                   One horse on the back!

                                                        (on the lower right) 


                                                       Now here's a real rarity.  

                                         A teensy minature shoe in weeping gold.  

                                                           How teensy?  

                                                    A little under 2" high.


                                From ducks to turkeys to mink to horses to pigs!

                                        And a super neato vintage pig figurine!

That's it for today.  

 More coming soon.

Until then,

See more, get more here:


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Tuesday Song of the Week

Got something GRRRRReat today.

Which comes with a funny story.

     'Hippy, Hippy Shake' - The Swinging Blue Jeans

Sometimes I'm in the car, and something I LOVE LOVE LOVE comes on the radio, so I'll crank up the sound to as high as it will go.

Sometimes that song is on, just before I exit the car, to go into Wawa for a hoagie, or go to work.

So, usually, the sound is still at high as it will go when I get back in the car..

Once I returned to the car, turned it on, and this song was on - SO LOUD I almost jumped out of my seat and hit my head.  

If there's any song guaranteed to make you jump, if you innocently happen upon it at 200 decibels or whatever, it's this one.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bests and Worsts Part III

This time of year a lot of people converge on Cape May County to secure their vacation digs.

My hubbage and I got married on the beach in Cape May, at Beach Avenue and Madison Street in May of... a bunch of years ago.  (There should be a plaque on that spot commemorating the marriage of the Full-Service Bohemian and her man, but for some reason, there isn't.)

We had a four-part honeymoon, which involved the B&B we stayed at from the Thursday before the wedding to the Monday afterward.  In July we stayed four days at another B & B in Cape May, and a month later another four days at another B & B in Cape May.  Then in September, we stayed for days at the Hotel Macomber, which is also in Cape May.

So, here are, in my opinion, the bests and worst B & B's in Cape May, NJ:

That third B & B, called The Mainstay Inn was the BEST.

The Mainstay is SUCH a beautiful place, service is AWESOME, the place is immaculately clean, and sitting on the porch rockers for an hour or two early in the morning is such a pleasant way to spend time.

Here's what it looks like:

The address is 635 Columbia Avenue.


The WORST was the one we stayed at for the wedding.

The Queen Victoria.

The issue there is that the guy that owns the place looks at everybody as if they're dollar signs.  Really.  Kinda strange.

The morning of the wedding, I was trying to get into my wedding finery.  I hadn't had a chance to even eat anything, so my bridesmaid, and friend, who were helping with that, went to the dining room to get me some yogurt.  

The owner told them they were not allowed.  Even though the yogurt was for ME, the guest who was shelling out over $350 freaking dollars a night to stay there.  No way was I going to go to the dining room to get it while still in my underwear. 

And then this.  Let me set up the clip:

My husband is a VERY generous guy, but the kind of generous that doesn't think first.  The kind of guy who'd happily lend you the use of his car, and then wonder how the heck he was going to get to work, having lent his car away.

He actually offered what was left of our wedding cake - without asking me first - to the owner, with the idea that the owner would put it out for the other guests.

The owner, who should have known this was a no no - a legitimate restaurant/B&B should not be putting out secondhand cake, which could easily involve a visit from the local public health inspector.  But he accepted the cake, never put it out, and probably he and his tubby wife demolished it.  

He also has a history of complaining about guests to other guests.  Classy.  

The place is pretty and all that, but there are many, much better places to stay.

Avoid the Queen Victoria. 


Honorable Mention:

The John Wesley Inn

The lady who owns this is SUPER friendly and sweet.  This is one of the slightly smaller places, but it's lovely inside, immaculate, and very comfortable.

My sole issue is that, unlike the other two, there's no breakfast buffet.  Breakfast is put on a plate in front of you - no choices.  And sorry, but I do not eat dead pig parts.  My husband does, so that's fine, he ate what was on both plates.  They oughta be at least a teensy bit sensitive that some people are vegetarian/vegan.     

The address is 30 Gurney Street.