Tuesday, January 26, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Something awesome from John Mellencamp dating back to when he was John Cougar, and before he decided to become the Bruce Springsteen of the Heartland. 


'I Need a Lover' - John Cougar

vintage hats !!

Isn't this a dilly?

Yes, yes it is.

perfect for all kinds of hat-wearing events!

fresh and fruity! 

AND with a honking huge red poppy on top!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

I love love love this, not least because it's class class classy.

Guys in suits,  girl sans tats.


'Georgie Girl' - the Seekers

kitty, pretty, and...


(Note that all below are a) thoroughly awesome, and b) watermarked for YOUR protection from flying monkeys.  No need to thank me. ) 

A view of Yellowville, town of the Midnight Sun
Also known as the town of the Midday Sun

Some oldsters refer to it simply as Yellowville, town of low electric bills.

Now onto the previously promised kitty and pretty:

kitty is from 1906.
The Commanding Officer has a near twin currently at the Bustleton Ave. PetSmart's kitty adoption center.  His name is Shawes.  He's cute and super-cuddly, and you should get off your duff right now, and go over and put in an application for him.  You won't regret it.  Update: Shawes was adopted by a family who adore him.
 You can get The Commanding Officer on all kinds of apparel and housewares and home decor and accessories and more must-have stuff that you must have, especially if you're a cat person.  Or you know a cat person.
You probably figured this out already -- or at least I hope you did -- but The Commanding Officer began life as a real photo postcard, i.e. RPPC, as we call it in the trade.  I got the card at a flea market a week or two ago.  

Now onto pretty, who arrived in this world a year later than The Commanding Officer:

Found her swinging in a 1907 issue of Ladies Home Journal.

She was originally an ad for something -- cereal I seem to recall - and she originally had a kid hanging over her back.  The kid, who was sort of unattractive, had to go.  Belieb me, the image looks waaayy better without it.  

The lovely lady is also available on oodles of marvelousity.  I'm talking apparel and home items and housewares and accessories like wallets (above), buttons, bags of various sorts, and MORE MORE MORE.  Note that she is NOT NOT NOT blurry as you see above and nothing else is blurry either.  All sharp as sharpness can be. 

For all of the above,  go here: https://www.zazzle.com/the_olden_eye/products

and in the 'Search This Store' box, enter either 'Yellowville' 'Commanding' or 'swing'


The title of the print is 'The Parting Wreath' (google it!  And note that all below are watermarked for your protection.)  

 I found the print at a flea market.

 pillow has mirror image on both sides!

 Then I took the print home and hand-colored it and doesn't it look bo lovely??
(My punk name this week is Bo Lovely)

Note that you can get the above -- and PLENTY MORE -- like all kinds of home decor items, and wall decor items, and you decor items in this design from my Zazzle store.

Note also, that they are NOT BLURRY in real life, but are actually as sharp as tacks, if tacks weren't pointy and hurty, but were actually graphic thingies.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Now, for my TSWs (Tuesday Songs of the Week, thank you) I try to post stuff the average jamoke might not ever have heard.  

However, this week, in memory of David Bowie, amma post my favorite song of his, which I'm sure all of the jamokeoisie has heard many times.  

'Modern Love' - David Bowie

Monday, January 11, 2016

latest old stuffs

Got some GREAT must-have vintage and antique stuffs for purchase, and also for buying, including:

the birds

AWESOME vintage coat 

SUPER well-made

FABULOUS detailing

Back is as divine as the front!!

 History's Cutest Alphabet plate

Have you ever EVER seen anything more adorable??

 Speaking of adorable... 

circa 1960 print corduroy day dress

pretty lady

 early 1960s secretary dress
 The original owner must have been quite the hot tamale: 42" bust, 25.5" waist, 38" hips

Tile me a story...
...about magical horses in ceramic tile form.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The hubs and I are planning a move from the City of Bothersome Love to downa shore.

In order to do same, we need a mortgage, and in order to get a mortgage we -- meaning I -- have to pass through a gauntlet of endless ENDLESS paperwork.

I HATE paperwork.

Even more so, I hate paperwork were they have you submit the same freaking forms -- seemingly hundreds of them, like, three or more times.

Literally, if I knew there was this much paperwork involved, I'd just say forget it, let's just stay in our home three blocks from where drug dealers keep getting shot up, and hope that the preppies who are getting priced out of Northern Libs and Fishtown eventually make it to my nabe, whereupon the previously mentioned shot up drug dealers will be forced to move on.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year !!

And may the bluebird of happiness be with you all year long.



And even physically, in the form of...

 throw blankets! 
 wall clocks!

 throw pillows!


Note that there's a BUNCH more bluebird stuff in my Zazzle store.

Check it all out here: https://www.zazzle.com/the_olden_eye/bluebird