Tuesday, April 28, 2015

the Tuesday Song of the Week

I'm just a...

'Love Machine' - Miracles

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

the Tuesday Song of the Week

As mentioned in my last post, I'm bo busy, but not too busy to give you a Tuesday Song of the Week. 

'Hard Work' - John Handy

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

the Tuesday Song of the Week

I'm sorry I missed last week, but my computer's been in the shop until today.


'Sukiyaki' - Kyu Sakamoto

Monday, April 6, 2015

How was your


Ours - the hubbage and I - had a GREAT Easter.  

Because a) we got to the Sunrise Service at Glen Foerd on time for once. (Yay!)

Here's some pix...

The guy at the microphone is the pastor of the Lutheran church on Woodhaven Road.
(Love the clerical collar and his hair style - really. That 'do - longish, parted in the middle, and swept back - was popular in the '80s and early '90s, but only works with straight or straight-ish hair.  Alas, the hubbage has curly hair, worn in a pony tail.) 
 To the right of Pastor GreatHair is my pastor, Arthur Johnson, Jr.

Pastor Johnson has been coming to this thing for 25 years or better, and he always sings...

'Where You There When They Crucified My Lord.'  He has a GREAT singing voice; if someone had gotten ahold of him 60 years ago and sent him for training, he'd have sung at the Met.

Speaking of singing, we just happened to sit near a lady who had an amazing singing voice.

You can see the sun doing its thing in the background.

The awesomely all that Glen Foerd mansion.

Deer me.

Now, onto b)  after the above service, we went home, gussied up, and went to Cape Island Baptist Church for the regular 11:00 a.m. service.   I wore a hat, only one of two hat-wearing ladies there, and got lots of compliments for it.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

New old stuff

Yep, I'm still in the old stuff business.

It's not all Zazzle here at Full Service Bohemian headquarters.

So, submitted for your consideration...

A BEEYOOTIFUL circa 1920 cream pitcher
Victoria Austria
Yeah, I know the photo's blurry.

Exquisite and in EXCELLENT condition.

 1920s mezzotint rendering of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's famous poem,
                        'Crossing the Bar'         SOLD

Moving from the sublime to the ridiculous...

dig the VERY Seventies double-knit polyester yardage   SOLD

All of the above available for purchase, and also for buying, at my Etsy store:


Vintage clothing, AGAIN!

Just when you feared that this blog was gonna be 'All Zazzle, all the time,' we have for you our lastest (and quite awesomest) vintage clothing. 

First up, FIVE (or, if you prefer, 5) Vested Gentress golf skirts:

INCLUDING the Holy Grail of Vested Gentress stuff

i.e. the 'Heads and Tails' print

We also have...

bird nesting on golf balls

 ALL golf balls

 parrots (or lorikeets)

shish kebobs

maaahvelous late 1970s prairie dress

 with a hem that measures 4 yards around!!!

Last, but far, far from least, is our exquisite 1970s Gunne Sax dress.