Saturday, February 28, 2015

I'm baaaaaack !

My ten-day whatsis is over, and I'm back with all manner of neat stuff, including...

a scarifying gorilla

and even scarier,

rats, bats, and spiders

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Yes, it's a fob of some sort.  

A watch fob, I'm guessing.  I'm just puzzled as to the watch goes.

This part's marked 'STERLING,' but I don't know about the rest of it.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Remember the fun we had in Trenton?

circa 1905?

I actually kind of like Trenton.  It has good thrift stores, and I was once a member of Trenton's (professional!) Magnet Theatre Company.  Which didn't last very long, because Trenton is not known for anything other than being the capital of New Jersey.  I don't even think Harrisburg, which is usually Number 1 in the lists of culture-free state capitals, has less going on than Trenton.  

There's some wonderful housing stock there, and if they could just get it gentrified or more jobs or whatever, it would be a nice place to live.  I think.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Lady's Letter-Writer: Letter XXVIII

To an Aunt urging a Visit
(I'm missing a few pages, i.e. letters XXIV to XXVII.  They should turn up soon.  I hope.)

Sheenfield, 2nd September, 18--

My Dear Aunt:-- You have often said that you would pay us a visit, and I hope that now the weather is so fine you will keep your word.

Mamma and Papa say they have asked you again and again, and that perhaps you would be persuaded to come if I wrote and invited you, and I do hope, my dear aunt, that you will not refuse me.  

We have a very pretty cottage and a beautiful garden; and the bedroom you would sleep in looks out on the sea, of which you are so fond.

There are a great many pretty walks in the neighborhood, and I could take you to them, for I know them all.  

Now, my dear aunt, do you put off our pleasure any longer, but write at once and say you are cmonig.  This will very much delight us all, and none more so than

                                                               Your affectionate niece,

                                                                         ........   ...........

you gotta hand it

A neater than average way to keep your funds together
It's a money clip!  Signed 'Mr. X,' who for some reason is not OR Googleable.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

the Tuesday Song of the Week

I'm so sorry that the Tuesday Song of the Week was not posted on Tuesday.

I've been insanely busy.

Anyway, here it is:
"Mercy Mercy Mercy" - The Buckinghams

Last week the hubs and I went to a jazz piano concert featuring the guy the hubs takes piano lessons from.  The teacher, Mark Brown.  played this song, which actually began life as a 100% instrumental.  (You can tell, because 'Mercy Mercy Mercy' is not in the lyric.)

Here's the piano teacher's  website:

In a little more than a year, he's been able to turn my husband from a horrible piano player to a marginally inept piano player.  In another year, I'm expecting he'll be ready for Carnegie Hall.

Johnson Brothers 'Eastbourne'

Got a bunch of examples of this lovely dishware at the Sal last week.

Also, left a lot of pieces behind, because it was apparent that someone had run them through the dishwasher one time too many, and the decals had just about faded completely.

So I only took the pieces that had an undisturbed design.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

the Tuesday Song of the Week

This is more correctly 'the Tuesday Piece of Music of the Week.'

From From Russia with Love...

YouTube calls this '007 Takes The Lektor'

I saw the movie for the first time only in the last few years, but I've known this piece of music, like, forever.  It used to be the theme for Eyewitness News (one of the three local news shows in the City of Bothersome Love.)