Tuesday, March 25, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Let's greet the arrival of Spring with a tune from the World's Greatest Band EVER EVER EVER:

'Summer and Lightning' - Electric Light Orchestra aka ELO

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

newest old ties

Only three this time (because, really, I desperately need to engage in housework), but what ties they are!
lions of white

marbled delight

 Oh, what a (really cool) fright.

the Tuesday Song of the Week

History's greatest single sung by a 14 year old!

'Walkin' Back to Happiness' - Helen Shapiro

Monday, March 17, 2014

stuff I got in Florida

We shopped all over.

(even though the reason we were there was to attend a wedding.)
Not just in Florida, but also in Georgia, and North and South Carolina.  

And I got:
cute dog bottle
purchased in the flea market in the parking lot of the Weeki Wachee Mermaids attraction,
which was less than a mile from our hotel.

 The next few items came from Renninger's in Mt. Dora

early 19th century scherenschnitte of Frederick the Great,
his palace, his pooches, his windmill, and a few bars from one of his musical compositions

Murano glass toucan

violin ashtray

this beauty once worked at Sebring's famous Cathouse Restaurant.
Judging from the tray, I'm guessing she was a busser. 

Another thing I got at Mt. Dora was an old mariachi musician's suit.  That's still in the car.

This old University of Florida Gators gator
came from a co-op north of where we were staying.
I also bought two ties at this place.  Photos not yet edited.

And now the items from elsewhere in the South (although I'm pretty sure we stopped at one in Ocala, and maybe bought something): 

An art nouveau beauty,
probably by Schafer & Vater

This rare and fascinating billy goat cream pitcher 
looks WAY better in person.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

rare and mysterious


  Found these yesterday

They're in marvelous shape, so I thought perhaps they were new (and so I wouldn't bother buying), until I turned them over and saw this logo.
When was the last time anything like this was made in the USA?

In addition to the dinner plates above - which I have eight of, not just four -- I got two 
vegetable bowls.

eight dessert bowls
even though you're only seeing four.

And a creamer and sugar bowl.

From the 'net: 'Charm House was created from March 1949 to October 1950. It is one of the most complicated lines to discuss since it was used in so many different ways. It was made with two new types of decorations from the 1950s; Applique and Dura-Print, as well as with decal treatments.'  It goes on to mention Homer Laughlin, but it's very confusing. Did Homer Laughlin make this or not??

'Tis a mystery.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

The simple and the straightforward from 1964:

'Bad to Me' - Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas

Monday, March 10, 2014

What I bought yesterday

Yesterday, in spite of the fact that hubs and I both have awful chest colds, we took a stroll through Quaker City flea.  Here's what I found:

these are neat little things for carrying around pix
of your favorite soldier boy.

FABULOUS barkcloth drapes

aDORABLE vintage Easter candy containers

A charming example of folky art

I also got two 1940s ties, and a box of some elegant Depression glass.

Total spent: $26

spicy Cuban


purchased in 1935 by a couple honeymooning in Cuba.

Mambo-licious, are they not?

Friday, March 7, 2014

latest vintage ties and vintage neckties

You may have seen some of these before, but each and every one is worth a second -- or hundred and ninety-eth - look.

warm evening in the local inn circa 1850
(the inn, not the tie)

two -- that's TWO -- not quite fleurs de lis

Betsy Ross is in the house

as are the Pony Express riders

A whole tie's worth of Balinese dancers
(that's moiré Balinese dancers)

hearts and flowers and cherubs

Our Lady of Skinny Ties

male chauvinist pigs

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I'm baaaaack

Yes, yes, I know you didn't get a Tuesday Song of the Week this week, nor did you get any  unrelated pictures or fascinating text.

For hubs and I were on the road over the past several days.

On our way to a family wedding in Florida.
Yes, I know South of the Border is not in Florida but a) it's bo cool and kitschy and should not be missed, and b) it's on the way.

We stopped here on the way back.  The Orange Shop is located in what looks like could be the outskirts of Mayberry.  They've been in biz since the 1930s.

It's situated on a real orange grove.

In addition to selling almost frighteningly fresh citrus fruit and juice,
they sell candy, which includes...

but is not limited to alligator-related sweets.

Note that during this trip I got a BUNCH of awesome and marvelous stuff from flea markets and antiques shops, which you soon will see.