Tuesday, February 25, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Another insanely busy week, which meant I had not the time nor the inclination to do blog-related stuff.

But enough about me.

Here's the song:
'Daddy' - Della Reese

This isn't my favorite version of this song, but I haven't been successful in locating that on the 'net.  

The upside of this version is that a) it gets right to business, and and doesn't have that boring  'Daisy May' opening, b) Miss Reese is a song stylist to the tips of her fingers, and c) the video is pretty cool.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

For all of you who are gonna DO IT IN 2014 !!!!

(whatever your it is)

'Breaking Away' - Balance

the dishes you wishes

If you collect vintage restaurant china...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Is this...

Jennifer Lawrence's great-great grandmother?
'cause it sure looks like it.

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's an extra-romantic song for the day:
'Nothing Else Matters' - Lionel Richie

latest jewelry

The newest of the oldest and/or vintage-ist!!

Wouldn't it be neat if gutta percha collars came back?

And darling little pins like this one?
(which has already sold)

Bountiful and beautiful Tru Art sterling silver ship.
You don't see this kind of artistry any more.

Neat jade tooth.
Oozing with positive energies.
A true jade color, and not the odd Mountain Dew green you see above.  

A great pendant for the aspiring gold-digger.

Tea with kitty.
What could possibly be more delightful?

These circa 1967 earrings
witnessed a whole lot in the last 47 years,
and yet the years haven't age them
even a little bit!

More earrings!
Soooo sparkly.

1930s enamel.
Isn't it sweet?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

more oevre

My hubs has encouraged me to greet him in the evening with my latest artistic whatsis.  

I haven't been able to do it every day (being a full service bohemian takes up more time than you'd think), but I did get one piece done.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Today's entry is actually the Tuesday Song and Dance of the Week!

At the Codfish Ball from Captain January

I awoke this morning to the news that our dear Shirley Temple is gone.  

Back when I was a kid, Channel 48 had 'Shirley Temple Theatre' on Saturday afternoons, and my little friends and I would never miss it.  (I remember vividly one my friends DID miss it one Saturday, and burst into tears over this great disappointment.)  

Captain January was my favorite, and all these years later it's still entertaining.  Shirley is the definition of adorable, and you get to see a charmingly boyish Buddy Edsen thirty years before he became the grizzled Jed Clampett.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

making progress

I've been feeding a little outdoor grey tabby cat for months now.  She looks a LOT like Ivy Spivington, so I'm certain they're related. She had always kept her distance from me in spite of my cooing and I love you-ing.

I was able to borrow a trap and get her fixed before Christmas, and around that time I bought her one of these: 

(Sooooo glad I did that before the weather turned horrendous.)

Amazingly, last week she began to let me pet her.
And today, she jumped onto my lap for the very first time.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

latest stuff

A little bow, and a lot of wow

 YES, it's Scottie dog coasters!!

 And here we have another 1930s relic, 
a moriage (or moriaga - your choice) satsuma
elephant teapot

Tired of winter?
Tired of preparing for the snowstorm de jour?
(or don't you live in the Northeast?)

Well, we have SPRINGTIME in COTTON!!!

Isn't it lovely?

Next up, Mrs. Paley's favorite handbag

A mahvelous vintage bag by Koret

Now we're going way back to the 1920s,
to meet - in celluloid -- the aptly named...
 Harry Highhair

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mon oevre

I was going through some drawers that I had not gone through in some time.  Two of them have all kinds of art supplies that I haven't touched in eons, including sketch books.  I opened them to look at if there was anything in there (I'd tossed a lot of my stuff a long time ago), but was surprised to find...
The above was the earliest thing in there - done in my first year of college -- and the piece I'm most proud of.  I drew it completely free hand while an open copy of Alice in Wonderland sat to me.  

The next four pieces I did a year or so after I graduated.  

 And this a few years after that.

I was the go-to artist for a theatre group I was involved with.  
The only example I have left is what became the cover illustration for the programs for 
The Mouse Trap
(I was also in the show as Miss Casewell.)

I did a painting of Elwood P. Dowd and Harvey for the Harvey set. that I'd give my right kidney to have back - or at least see it again, but I ended up giving it to the guy who played Dowd.

My husband has been leaning on me to get back to doing art.  Below is my latest effort.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Today you're getting a twofer,

We Couldn't Do Better Than That - Ruth Etting

Ruth was a HUGE singing star in the 1920s and '30s, in addition to being a very charming and unassuming person overall.  The kind who sews her own clothes and does her own housework.  (Yep, she really did that.)  She was also very careful with her money, and which allowed her to have a nice retirement.  

In spite of all the good about her, she was married to what my husband would call 'a maggot.'  Just a total scumbag, without a single redeeming bone in his body. She finally got rid of him after 15 years of marriage,  and found herself a good guy who adored her and who she adored.  

As good as the song above is, I really wanted to post her singing 'Without That Man,' but for some reason I can't get insert it here.  Here's the link anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gjVf0GeDzE

Next up, a slightly similar style, from almost 65 years later.

'Prince Nez' - Squirrel Nut Zippers

Easter fun and frolicking

How thoroughly all that is all this??

Two big eggs, two little kids.

Get dressed!!

Three mahvelous dresses, plus one very neato pair of accessories.
1970s Carole Little for St.-Tropez Wear silk dress
With original tags, including price tag from Lord & Taylor for...

early 1980s charcoal dress
oooodles of detailing
I'm guessing it's French-made, but maybe not.

History's sweetest secretary dress
circa 1979

And lastly, a pair of bo cool suede and kidskin gloves
for the tiny of hand