Sunday, December 25, 2011

this 'n that

Sorry to have been away.  The flu, the holiday, the fact that I have a new kitten who I must cuddle for hours a day, etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, here's some new (OLD) stuff, submitted for your approval:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

more stuff from last Sunday

Note, boys and girls, that there will probably been an 'Even MORE stuff from Sunday, 12/4' post some time this week. 

That's if I get rid of what appears to be a burgeoning head cold.

Anyway, here's the jewelry I got last Sunday: 

Pink lucite necklace

White lucite necklace

aquamarine Swank cufflinks and tie tack

BIG mother-of-pearl cufflinks depicting not-quite human swell tippling from a bottle.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunday's finds

Last Sunday the hubs and I only hit ONE flea market instead of the usual two.  (And yet we still managed to be late for church.)  

But oh the things we found... including:

for Christmas, a vintage Virginia Zito hankie

a NOS Parisian Prints linen dish towel

a 1950's souvenir of Hawaii scarf

a super-unique throw or wall hanging, with a design featuring a dancer and a lady musician

a Mid-Century Modern glass basket-style bowl

A pair of vintage ladies driving gloves, fleur de lis print
All of the above came from one vendor.

And the total cost?

Are you ready?

REALLY ready??



Friday, December 2, 2011

a'thriftin' and a'antiquin' down South

Last week me and the boy drove down to Alabama to spend Thanksgiving with his bro and SIL.

Naturally, my interest in turkey and family and football takes a back seat to my Old Stuff Obsession, and I was very excited to find some thrift shops and antiques stores, and find  some finds therein, to wit:

a Roseville dahlrose pattern vase:

a set of five lacquerware trays decorated with crawfish:

a set of five lacquerware trays decorated with winged bugs:

a Hazel-Atlas (I think) cobalt ice bucket decorated with dogs:

a handmade, homemade deco bell-hop figure:

six pieces of Syracuse restaurant china, Jubilee pattern:

a Nantucket basket in pendant form:

A very old metal kitty tray thingey:
Plus a few things I haven't gotten to photograph yet.