Thursday, November 17, 2011

watch this

Lovely Caravelle watch, probably from the 1960's.

I always sell wind-up watches, which this one is, practically immediately after I find them.  Some people, myself included, don't want to have to shlep their watches to the local jeweler once a year or so, and pay $5 for a battery.

This one came from the same guy I bought the big folk painting from.  It was similarly cheap, even though a) it works, and b) it's got a little gold content.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chiefly speaking

How completely gorgeous is the circa 1915 item above?

It began life as a lid.  I'd give my right kidney to find the thing it covered.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We interrupt this blog...

to encourage you to throw a few bucks Wikipedia's way.  

Think of all the times you went there to learn about FabergĂ© eggs, and the Boer War, and when Elmo was added to the Sesame Street cast, and what came first, Hydrox cookies or Oreos (the answer is Hydrox.  Not just first, but also WAY superior to Oreos.), and how many albums Roy Orbison put out, and what wines come from what country, etc. etc. etc. etc....

This bottomless well of knowledge has NO advertising, and so they could use your support.  Unlike the similarly worthy PBS, Wikipedia a) has no beg-athon, and b) even if they had one, they probably wouldn't broadcast those horrible deadly boring concerts that make up much of PBS's beg-athon programming.

Just go to Wikipedia's home page.  The link is right there.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A lazy summer afternoon

circa 1890.

 The boy and I were doing our regular early Sunday morning flea market shopping when we came upon this... this... 

Sorry,  I'm plumb out of adjectives.  'Awesome' won't do it.  'Fantastic' - pfft.  'Marvelous' isn't even close.   None of the foregoing will do justice to this BIG folk painting.
(81 inches x 37 inches big.)

 Second to how MAGNIFAWESOTERRIFIBEAUTIGEOUS the painting is,
 is how surprised I was to get an incredible deal on it.

The vendor is somebody I see at just about all the local flea markets, and his stuff -- while usually cool and interesting -- is almost always priced at more than I'm willing to pay.
So either he was in a good mood, or didn't have much sleep, or decided that I'm deserving of special consideration, because...
when my hubs asked the price, the vendor answered 'Fifteen dollars.'

Although I was ready to faint, I'm still a businesslady, so I asked 'Is that your best?'

We got it for $10.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A new member of our furry fambly

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, meet our newest addition,

the charming, the precious, the ever-purring


She hails originally from a friend's neighbor's backyard.  My original intention was to foster her, but my husband, touched in his rough, guido-ificent soul by the hopeful look in her eyes, decreed that a) we're keeping her, and b) her name shall be Starlin.

How he came up with that I have no idea.

In a matter of weeks, she has morphed from being a very frightened little kitten who would not come out from under the furniture to becoming the sweetest, cuddliest little kitten one could imagine.

The rest of the crew is still negotiating the ground rules with her, but she seems to be catching on.

Friday, November 11, 2011

last weekend's finds

I found so much last weekend that it's taken me until today to show (some of) them to you.  

So, in no particular order:

art nouveau bronze letter or napkin holder.  This is the REAL 100+ year old deal.

A BIG box full of boxed Christmas cards from the 1940's.  Below are just two of the 10 or so designs.  (Dig this if you can: the vendor says he'll have more cards this weekend, and different designs.  SQUEE!!!)

A bunch of jewelry, including but not limited to a 1970's wind-up watch with transparent back, which allows you to see the works working.  And some cute pins.  And 1960's drop sequin earrings (think 1965 glamor girl dressed for the evening).

A pair of older Heissner gnomes:

A Princess Diana paperdoll book:

An old souvenir scarf from Paris:
As I plow through the rest of the stuff, I'll show you that, too.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weeeee are the


A great relic of 1950's winning season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

The view from my porch at around 6:30 this morning: 

and copyrighted by moi.