Monday, October 31, 2016

Let's bag it !

Some super-cool baggage is what we got today, including, but not limited to:

Edwardian fashionable
Cinderella is in the house !
adorable and rare -- super rare -- albino robin
Wanna see more?

Wanna buy more?

Go here:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

huh ?

I'm very busy these days working to sell and/or get rid of a TON of vintage clothing that I've accumulated over the years.

this once lovely 1940s rayon dress.
That's once lovely.  Not lovely no more.  

Especially lovely lace bodice

That was then. This is now.

further down

even further down

I listed it on eBay, because I figured it would move.  Opening bid: $3.00 

Surely someone would pay $3.00, if only to take off the lace still intact.

It got a bid immediately, and soon went up to...

wait for it...

and wait...

and wait some more...


And so it was going to sell for double the opening bid.  Nice.  Considering what a rag it is. 

but imagine my astonishment when I checked what it finally sold for.

It went for...

wait for it...


wait some more...




Tuesday, October 25, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

This week's song comes from an album I bought a hundred years ago.

The album had a video or a short film to go with it, and my boyfriend at the time said something hilarious about that.  I wish I could remember what it was.  

'Brilliant Blues' - Pete Townsend

latest ties...

for discerning guys: 

THREE! Or, if you prefer, 3 antique can labels on this tie.

 Neat, huh?
Who doesn't love ice cream ???
And cherries.  They're delicious, too.
Singin' the blues.
Or not.  He could be doing an unplugged version of 'Walking On Sunshine.'
If the blues brings you down, then there's this very happy and joyful snowman.
Isn't he great??
Note that all of the above -- and wayyyy more -- can be had here:

Monday, October 24, 2016

Let's rap...

...about raptors !!!

Over this past weekend, there was the Cape May Raptor Show.  


Me holding a gyrfalcon

world's biggest owl

ready for his close-up 

golden eagle
True fact: a bunch of years ago, on a very windy day, a golden eagle appeared in my backyard.  Alas, couldn't find my camera.

bald eagle
This guy has quite a resume; he's appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, and a bunch more, and also some commercials.

snowy owl
Snowy had two settings: sleepy and smiley. 

This is him halfway between both.

ready for his close-up.

We went to the event on Saturday, and again on Sunday.  Saturday I didn't have my camera, which was a shame because the vulture was rocking that vulture stance where the head is low,and his shoulders, which look like he's wearing a black coat with epic shoulder pads, loom above.
sorta like this
(the above was pulled off the net, and should give you an idea of what I was looking for).

Unfortunately, on Sunday, Bee Bee the Vulture spent most of her time preening, and none of her time helping me get the shot I wanted.
 "Heyyyy, vulturevulturevulture,  heyyyy vulturevulturevulture...'

I kept trying, and finally got her to do this:

This is me holding Bee Bee.

The other birds there were two little hawks, names of which I forget (it begins with the letter 'A'), a barn owl, another kind of hawk, also whose name I forget, and a cara cara, i.e. Mexican eagle.  I took photos of all, but the only ones that turned out well are what you see here.

Wanna see more?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

Crank up your speakers for this one.

Dance on your desk.  Your boss will understand.  

'Walk, Don't Run' - The Ventures

It's Weiss ...

brooch and matching earrings
 Color of the above is smoky grey and white.

Monday, October 17, 2016

pillow talk

Latest throw pillows !!

from the cover of a 1950s album of Latin music ...
PERFECT for the Latin decor, Caribbean decor or music-intensive decor !
 from an early 1950s ad for television sets
Just the thing for the Western decor, retro decor, vintage TV decor, Western movie decor or man cave !
This pillow's print was done with real foreign coins that I  put in my scanner.
 For the eclectic decor, international decor, eclectic decor and/or as a gift for your favorite coin collector !
From an EPIC score of old fruit and vegetable can labels
Something awesome for the vintage advertising decor, retro decor, country decor or sauerkraut lover !!
Another food-oriented pillow, from an old old magazine ad for soup or tomato juice or something similar.
Something bo cool for the tomato decor, country decor and/or eclectic decor.

Note that all of the above pillows have the same image on their reverse that they have on the front.  In the case of those pillows without text, the back is a mirror image of the front.

Get even MORE awesome throw pillows here:

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

mug of the month

The World Series (or is it 'the World's Series' ?) is due to start soon, which brings us to the Mug of the Month, i.e.

The image is a vinegar valentine - got a bunch at an auction a few years back  - and reads:

                                        Of all the pests I've ever known
                                        You are the worst of all,
                                        You eat and sleep and talk and think
                                        Entirely base-ball.

The perfect gift for the baseball bug in your life, even if that's YOU.

Get it here:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

the Tuesday Song of the Week

*** Sorry I missed the last two weeks, but last Tuesday my computer was in the shop, and the Tuesday before that I was bizAY.***

Today's entry comes from The Picture Show Man, a movie about the old days of silent movie exhibitors wandering the Outback in Australia.  A REALLY enjoyable hour and 39 minutes, you can get it from NetflixMOV.  

"Tap Tap" - The Picture Show Man

latest additions to Etsy

Christmas is coming, and these awesome items won't buy themselves! (Hint, hint.)

Hummel !

cute, isn't he?

kittens times two!
The kitty on the left, shown with her pet mouse, has a Josef Originals label on his/her side. 

amateur (but sweet, very sweet) art !!

more cats! 

cats AND matching earrings.

beautiful in blue
 for candles.





Monday, October 3, 2016

another re-opening

In addition to my general antiques store, i.e. PeaceableAntiques, re-opening, my vintage clothing emporium is also back with sales of the marvelous and the eminently desirable.

To wit:
1970s wide-leg bellbottoms, never work AND with original tags

a hefty pile coat with...

plaid pile lining !!

PLUS, we've got 1980s couture!

wool Basile dress

Can't you see Tilda Swinton wearing this?
 I can.

We've also got Lucille Chayt, whose NY atelier was big news circa 1984.

Back in business

Finally, the move-related* agita has dispersed somewhat, and I can get back to my Etsy businesses.

Whoo hoo!

We got everything from...



a circa 1905 slattern who enjoins you to 
'Drink to me only with thine eyes'


some nifty 1970s Homco wall food


an AWESOME Mid-Century Modern wire cat,
who will be happy to hold either your mail or your napkins


Miss Shirley Temple


*If you haven't been keeping up with us, know that I've moved from the City of Bothersome Love, where this blog began, to Downashore.  This happened back in February.